Help us by answering a short survey. There are in fact many different types of pheasants but the common pheasant ( Phasianus colchicus… This is an overview of ten of the more popular breeds kept in the UK. This bird is one of te oldest game birds recorded in the history. The birds are also very attractive, with blue-black feathers all over their body, and iridescent green-black wings. Both males and females have a large, red waddle around their eyes. This strain is well proven as we receive many favourable comments from customers who are delighted with their returns but also praise their strong flying ability. Males have a golden brown plumage, with blue-black necks. Pheasants and partridges These include medium and large-sized gamebirds, from the grey and red-legged partridges to the large-bodied pheasants, all with short, curved bills, small heads, rounded bodies and short legs. Despite being from Taiwan, this breed does extremely well in the UK. Pheasants are an extremely hardy bird that would be a wonderful addition to any aviary. Blacknecks are renowned as 'stayers' and anchor well to their home wood, tolerating more shooting pressure and disturbance than other breeds. Commonly found on game farms this pheasant is now bred commercially for sport, by gamekeepers. As a result it is advised to get them as chicks to help tame them. For an owner who wants a lively and demonstrative bird, these are perfect. Our policy of always retaining enough breeding stock to produce sufficient eggs to fulfil the requirements of our own hatchery ensures we remain self sufficient in hatching eggs and do not have to rely on imported stock. They were originally native to the forests of China, but can now be found in many aviaries across the UK. The males of this breed have a distinctive plumage – with a golden crest, yellow and black neck, and scarlet chest. Mikado’s also love to devour bugs, including snails, so can help gardeners get rid of pests. Wild pheasants will come during mating season, and both hens and cocks are likely to escape to join their feral brethren. Originating in Poland where the strain is known as "Bazanty" they are now well proven in the UK as the guns' favourite pheasant. These birds require heated shelter in the winter, as they are not used to old weather. As one of the quieter birds, they are perfect for people who have neighbours that live close by. Does it matter if they have loud calls? Unlike some other species, they do not eat a lot of greenery, so you must provide a varied diet of grain and nuts. Medium sized, strong and hardy they stay at home well when released and add spark on shoot days with their willingness to flush and their flying ability. It is widely acknowledged that shoots want the same qualities from pheasants ? When crossed with Polish pheasants a larger and more manageable bird is produced which retains all the attributes of the pure breeds plus hybrid vigour. With a shimmering metallic green head, red metallic neck, and blue metallic wings, it is like a jewel in the aviary. Pheasants are native to Asia, but were introduced into much of Europe by the Romans, possibly arriving in the UK with the Normans in the 11th century. It is considered a vulnerable breed, as their habitat is disappearing and have been over hunted. Have something to say? They are a very fertile breed and will lay between 5-11 eggs at one time. Consider before you buy your first breeding pair or trio which breed is right for you – do you have the space?
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