bonobo animal
Importantly, spontaneous affiliation followed the empathic gradient described for humans, being mostly offered to kin, then friends, then acquaintances (these categories having been determined using affiliation rates between individuals). Il bonobo (Pan paniscus) è un mammifero appartenente alla famiglia degli Hominidae ed insieme allo scimpanzé appartiene al genere Pan, il più vicino al genere Homo al quale apparteniamo. Il bonobo ha anche torso sottile, spalle strette e collo sottile[22]. [54][60] This also may occur when two males rub their penises together while in face-to-face position. The IUCN Red List classifies bonobos as an endangered species, with conservative population estimates ranging from 29,500 to 50,000 individuals. Solo occasionalmente i bonobo si avventurano in aree non boschive o savane. [3] In another, rarer form of genital rubbing, which is the non-human analogue of frotting, engaged in by some human males, two bonobo males hang from a tree limb face-to-face while penis fencing. Il calo della popolazione totale di bonobo viene stimato superiore al 50% in un periodo di 75 anni (pari a tre generazioni). Tongue kissing, oral sex, and genital massaging have also been recorded among male bonobos. The bonobo is an endangered species; at the end of the 20th century, the estimated population was fewer than 40,000. I maggiori pericoli per questa specie derivano dallo sfruttamento e conseguente distruzione dell'habitat per le attività umane (agricoltura, espansione urbana, inquinamento) e dalla caccia. Updates? Primatologist Frans de Waal states bonobos are capable of altruism, compassion, empathy, kindness, patience, and sensitivity, and described "bonobo society" as a "gynecocracy". Orangutans, chimpanzees, and bonobos have sufficiently mobile lips and tongues; they simply lack neural circuitry for speech.…. Bonobos are active during the day and move on all fours by knuckle walking. Grazie allo Chimpanzee Genome Project, un progetto che si occupa di determinare la mappa completa dei geni di scimpanzé e bonobo, è ora possibile avere dati più precisi riguardo alle differenze genetiche tra gli uomini e le specie appartenenti al genere Pan. In 1995, concern over declining numbers of bonobos in the wild led the Zoological Society of Milwaukee, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with contributions from bonobo scientists around the world, to publish the Action Plan for Pan paniscus: A Report on Free Ranging Populations and Proposals for their Preservation. Currently, these two species are separated by the Congo River, which had existed well before the divergence date, though ancestral Pan may have dispersed across the river using corridors which no longer exist. Secondo alcuni autori la differenza tra il genoma del bonobo e quello dell'uomo ammonterebbe all'1,6% della sequenza, ma studi più recenti portano al 6% questo valore[8][9]. The Action Plan compiles population data on bonobos from 20 years of research conducted at various sites throughout the bonobo's range. [65], It is unknown how the bonobo avoids simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and its effects. "Sociosexual behavior used for tension regulation in all age and sex combinations among bonobos", pp. Kanzi's vocabulary consists of more than 500 English words,[85] and he has comprehension of around 3,000 spoken English words. Studi successivi confermano che bonobo e scimpanzé sono gli organismi viventi geneticamente più vicini all'uomo[8]. [74] Some claim bonobos have also been known to practise cannibalism in captivity, a claim disputed by others. La maggior parte degli spostamenti su lunga distanza vengono effettuati sul terreno, usando normalmente quattro punti d'appoggio e passando a tre o due punti nel caso si stia trasportando un oggetto[22]. Pigmy chimpanzee from south of the Congo river, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, News in Science - Chimps more diverse than humans - 23/04/2007, Sequencing the chimpanzee genome: insights into human evolution and disease, Implications of natural selection in shaping 99.4% nonsynonymous DNA identity between humans and chimpanzees: Enlarging genus Homo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Human-Chimp Gene Gap Widens from Tally of Duplicate Genes, Pygmy chimpanzee as a possible prototype for the common ancestor of humans, chimpanzees and gorillas, Divergence time and population size in the lineage leading to modern humans, Evolution of the primate lineage leading to modern humans: Phylogenetic and demographic inferences from DNA sequences, Genetic Structure of Chimpanzee Populations, Low Nucleotide Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos, Comparative primate biology volume 1: Systematics, evolution and anatomy, Pan paniscus and Pan troglodytes, with comparison to other hominoids, The Pygmy Chimpanzee: Evolutionary Biology and Behavior, Biblioteca on-line dello Zoo di San Diego, Bonobos of the Lukuru wildlife research project, Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos, Vertical Jumping Performance of Bonobo (Pan paniscus) Suggests Superior Muscle Properties, Locomotion in bonobos (Pan paniscus): differences and similarities between bipedal and quadrupedal terrestrial walking, and a comparison with other locomotor modes, Rivers influence the population genetic structure of bonobos (Pan paniscus), The Last Ape: Pygmy Chimpanzee Behavior and Ecology, The List of Wetlands of International Importance, Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora, The Social Behavior of Chimpanzees and Bonobos: Empirical Evidence and Shifting Assumptions, Evidence for the consumption of arboreal, diurnal primates by bonobos (Pan paniscus), Wild bonobo mother ape eats own infant in DR Congo, Intra- and Inter-Sexual Aggression by Bonobos in the Context of Mating, Variation in Male Relationships in Bonobos and Chimpanzees, Issues in Bonobo (Pan Paniscus) Sexual Behavior, Violence and Sociality in Human Evolution, Reconciliation and consolation in captive bonobos (, Bonobos Protect and Console Friends and Kin, Kanzi: The Ape at the Brink of the Human Mind, Nonconceptive Sexual Behavior in Bonobos and Capuchins, The ape and the sushi master : cultural reflections by a primatologist, Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Infection of Chimpanzees. Females have slightly more prominent breasts, in contrast to the flat breasts of other female apes, although not so prominent as those of humans. Bonobos have dark skin on their faces, some hair on their cheeks, and pink skin on their lips. I bonobo si distinguono dagli scimpanzé comuni per il colore nero di tutto il muso tranne le labbra e i ciuffi di peli alla sommità della testa[7]. In the 1990s, Kanzi was taught to make and use simple stone tools. There would obviously be no need for peacemaking if they lived in perfect harmony. In base ad evidenze molecolari si ritiene che la linea evolutiva dei progenitori di scimpanzé e bonobo si sia separata da quella dei progenitori degli umani in un periodo compreso tra 4,5 milioni di anni fa[16][17] e 7 milioni di anni fa[18]. Professor of Zoology, Kyoto University, Japan. This significant investment has triggered the involvement of international NGOs to establish bases in the region and work to develop bonobo conservation programs. The bonobo is found only in lowland rainforests along the south bank of the Congo River in … Multivariate analysis has shown bonobos are more neotenized than the common chimpanzee, taking into account such features as the proportionately long torso length of the bonobo. È stato riportato anche un caso di cannibalismo, un evento che è attualmente ritenuto molto raro tra le scimmie antropomorfe. [38] A 2014 study also found bonobos to be less aggressive than chimpanzees, particularly eastern chimpanzees. Si alimentano principalmente di frutta[22][30], ma integrano la loro dieta nutrendosi di animali vertebrati ed invertebrati[22], tra cui altre scimmie[31][32]. Sexual bonding with other females establishes these new females as members of the group. This is part of a more general trend of ape extinction. Uno studio del 2006 sulle performance nel salto, effettuato su otto esemplari di bonobo in cattività, indica che i muscoli di queste scimmie antropomorfe sono notevolmente più potenti di quelli degli esseri umani odierni, probabilmente a causa di differenze fisiologiche del tessuto muscolare stesso[24].


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