cowboy slang dictionary
Also called Mountain Oysters. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. a man who herds and tends cattle on a ranch, especially in the western U.S., and who traditionally goes about most of his work on horseback. Bangtail – wild horse; mustang. American West/Cowboy – Vocabulary and Slang. Piece of Pudding – A piece of luck, a welcome change. (Last Privacy Policy Update July 2020), Byways & Historic Trails – Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Arrow Rock, Missouri & The Santa Fe Trade, Montserrat, Missouri – Coal Camp to Ghost Town. The fearsome site was named for the cowboy Kendall Bumpass, who in 1865 got too close and stepped through the thin crust. Pokerish – Frightful, causing fear, especially to children. “I’m peskily sorry to hear of your loss.”. Power – A large quantity, a great number. “What a slow poke you are.”. Pine Top – Whiskey traded to the Indians in exchange for buffalo robes. Placer – Comes from the Spanish word for gravel beds. Pecker Pole – What a logger called a small tree or sapling. Quid – A corruption of cud, as, in vulgar language, a quid of tobacco. Pennyweighter – In the mining camps of the Old West, a pennyweighter was a person who stole very small quantities of gold from the mining operation for whom he worked. Plow Handle – A single action pistol was sometime referred to as a plow handle. Prospectors would scoop some dirt and water into a pan, swish it to wash the gravel away, and look for good in the bottom. Perk – Lively, brisk, holding up the head, Peskily – Very, extremely, confoundedly. n. 1. Pair of Overalls – Two drinks of whiskey.. Pal on – to associate.. Pancake – A derogatory term for a small English saddle.. Pan Out – To pay well, prove profitable.. Required fields are marked *. (Literally, to throw into the Pecos River.). Poker – Any frightful object, especially in the dark. Pull the Long Bow – To tell falsehoods, lie. Cowboy Term Dictionary. Hell lose more than his little old Colts, growled the second cowboy. Might be worn for the grand entry parade at a rodeo. Pick-Back – On the back. Plow Chaser – A derogatory term for farmer. “Pony up that account.” Also, post the pony, i.e. ACHEY MARY ELIZABETH – 1832 - 1885 See how many words from the week of Oct 12–18, 2020 you get right! Did You Know? Painting the Town Red – Going out on the town for a fun, sometimes wild, time. Also called a “dream book” or a “bible.”, Prod, On the – Spoiling for a fight, also referred to as “proddy.”, NOW IN A BOOK FORMMore Terms, Expanded Definitions + Reverse Lookup + More Pictures. Later generations would call them pulp fiction. Pucker – In a state of irritation or anger. Parade Chaps – A pair of chaps strictly for show. Plain-headed – A term that expresses that a lady is not good looking. Pike – A name applied in California to migratory poor whites. Pop Your Corn – Say what you have to say, speak out. Pistareen – One-fifth of a dollar, a silver coin, formerly in the United States, of the value of twenty cents. cowboy definition: 1. a person, especially in the western US, whose job is to take care of cattle, and who usually…. (during the American Revolution) a member of a pro-British guerrilla band that operated between the American and British lines near New York City. Pony Up – Pay over money. Cowboy definition, a man who herds and tends cattle on a ranch, especially in the western U.S., and who traditionally goes about most of his work on horseback. Cowboy definition is - one who tends cattle or horses; especially : a usually mounted cattle-ranch hand. I probably wouldn't have made this English to cowboy translator if it wasn't for that page. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Bake – to overheat a horse by riding too fast, long, or hard. A hired man, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback. Pemican – Easily carried food substance on the frontier. cowboy up: [verb] to face a daunting task, as a brave cowboy would. COWBOY SLANG, LINGO, AND … Our cookies are delicious. Pimple – The cowboy’s name for the very small saddles used by Easterners. The cowboy detective paused only long enough to make sure that the other rustler would be captured. Arm Jerker (Rodeo term) A really stout animal that bucks with a lot of power. Pung – A rude sort of sleigh, or oblong box made of boards and placed on runners, used for drawing loads on snow by horses. Pecos –  To kill by drowning. It was especially useful for finding the interesting and funny bits of jargon like "bean master" for "chef" and "barking at a knot" for "wasting one's time". 10 Types Of Nouns Used In The English Language. Describe 2020 In Just One Word? Discover some funny cowboy sayings that'll get you thinking! Zogbaum, in Harper’s Weekly, October 16, 1886. characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction. I imagine the actual old west accent and slang was a little different to what we hear in movies, so there is some creative license here, but please call me out if I've gone too far with it! Kin to Indian ponies, they were strong and tough but never grew very big. Formed by pounding the choice parts of the meat very small, dried over a slow fire or in the frost, and put into bags made of the skin of the slain animal, into which a portion of melted fat is then poured. I took a lot of inspiration from the southern/texas accent so hopefully those accents are similar to the old west accent. Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference? ... Slang A reckless person, such as a driver, pilot, or manager, who ignores potential risks. Penny Dreadful – A slang term for cheap, lurid fictional magazines that incorporated the same kind of literature as the dime novels.


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