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GuineaDad is dedicated to produce high-quality guinea pig products. One of the most common vegetables that guinea pig owners are curious about is lettuce, which we’ll discuss below. It has more calcium than green leaf or romaine lettuce, and less Vitamin C than both too. Unlike many animals, guinea pigs cannot produce their own vitamin C. You will need to provide about 25 – 30 mg of vitamin C to a guinea pig per day. Red leaf lettuce is not harmful to most guinea pigs, but it contains less Vitamin C than romaine or green leaf lettuce do. Iceberg Lettuce is not Guinea Pig food and is not a healthy part of their diet. In this guide, I want to help everyone understand the basics of guinea pig diet and effectively answer the question “what vegetables can guinea pigs eat?” If you want to be confident about feeding your guinea pig, please read on! Some vegetables and most fruits are very high in sugar. This all comes down to the nutritional differences in the two lettuces. Butter lettuce (which is also known as Boston or butterhead lettuce) is not dangerous for guinea pigs, but it is not especially nutritious either. This includes romaine lettuce as well. There aren’t any authoritative sources that detail its nutritional content, so it’s difficult to determine whether or not it is suitable for guinea pigs. Both Romaine and green leaf lettuce have relatively low calcium content and relatively high Vitamin C content, making them the best lettuces for guinea pigs. guinea pigs love apples and carrots and they are good for them but to much of any fresh food will cause the runs. Calcium is important (despite the bad reputation in the guinea pig community). What do I do? It is also a great source of vitamin K and vitamin A along with folate and iron. Iceberg lettuce provides very little nutrition for your pet (it contains very little Vitamin C, for example), and it is primarily comprised of water. Guinea pigs need 24/7 access to clean water. If your furry friend has a bit of sweet tooth, they will love this! Romaine and green leaf lettuces can be fed 5 to 7 times per week. Veggies Good for Guinea Pigs' Diet, In this guide, I want to help everyone understand the basics of guinea pig diet and effectively answer the question “what vegetables can guinea pigs eat?”. … Now that we know most types of lettuce are safe for guinea pigs, it is important to discuss the frequency with which you can offer them to your pet. Guinea Pig's diet should consist of unlimited amount of hay, about 1 cup of vegetables a day, and 1/8 cups of pellets a day (with fortified vitamin c, if the vegetables given does not contain enough vitamin). One of the most common types of lettuce out there is iceberg lettuce. While green leaf lettuce doesn’t have as much Vitamin C as romaine lettuce does, it has more than most other lettuces do. Crunchy Condo - chew-able guinea pig house. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Romaine Lettuce? This is usually a great idea, as it helps to provide a broader diet, which helps to prevent nutritional deficiencies. I am hoping for a Guinea pig and I was wondering what lettuces to eat! For example, Iceberg Lettuce has very little nutritional value as it only contains small amounts of Vitamin C. Iceberg lettuce is not toxic but can cause diarrhea and stomach problems. While Lettuce is technically safe for your guinea pig, it is not recommended in large doses. 1 decade ago. Top 20 Safe Woods for Rats (& Toxic Woods to Avoid), How Do Guinea Pigs Sleep? Answer Save. The 6 Best Hay Feeder Racks for Guinea Pigs in 2020. nodumgys. All Your Questions Answered. Just note that lettuces differ somewhat significantly in terms of their nutritional value. Tango lettuce is troubling because there isn’t a great deal of nutritional information about it available. Tick. Guinea pigs can absolutely eat iceberg lettuce. Amongst all the other species it has the most nutritional value which is packed with vitamins and minerals. Accordingly, you should avoid giving it to your pet entirely. When it comes to iceberg lettuce, guinea pig owners shouldnt add this veggie to their pets diets. While most greens are safe, guinea pigs should not eat iceberg lettuce, which has high water content and a low nutritional content. It also contains essential nutrients like Magnesium, Iron & Zinc that is important for our guinea pigs. As others have said, yes iceberg lettuce in small amounts is okay. Iceberg lettuce provides very little nutrition to your pet, and it often triggers gastrointestinal problems in guinea pigs. Your email address will not be published. We’d recommend the following feeding frequencies: Most guinea pigs like lettuce, and some varieties make pretty good components of a well-rounded diet. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. It's not true. Other vegetables eaten by guinea pigs include bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, corn silk, dandelions and celery. If given in excess, it may lead to mild to severe stomach upset and diarrhea. The recommended ratio of Ca:P is 1:1 to 2:1. Vegetables and fruits: Fresh vegetables can be offered once a day and should be equivalent to about one cup total per guinea pig per dayLeafy greens like romaine lettuce, spinach, kale or parsley should comprise the bulk of your pig's fresh produce.. Add carrots, zucchini and sweet potato once or twice a … Additionally, a vitamin C deficiency might develop a health condition entitled scurvy. You are starving your guinea pigs. While Lettuce is technically safe for your guinea pig, it is not recommended in large doses. Typically, a pet guinea pig’s diet consists of hay, e.g., Timothy Hay, and pellets to help wear down their ever-growing teeth. The next most important diet for guinea pig is the grass hay (i.e. The reason its not recommended is that it presents little nutritional value and it has high water content. However, many guinea pigs appear to find the thick leaves and unusual texture of butter lettuce very appealing. I heard that lettuce can cause diarrhea, but my and friends guinea pig loves lettuce and they are both okay. Iceberg lettuce is not poisonous to a guinea pig but the nutritional content is very low and the high water content can cause diarrhoea. Their nutrition level are all slightly different, but the vitamin C in all four colors are significantly better than most other vegetables available. Each box contains weeks’ worth of hay, which is always more than enough. This green vegetable is mainly made up from air and water, so in itself it's not bad for a vegetarian like your guinea pig. It is probably best avoided, but if you do decide to feed it to your pet, limit it to once per week. Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 GuineaDad. Click to watch two episodes of videos covering vegetable guinea pig diet plan. Especially great for guinea pigs with previous history of UTI or stone. It resembles other cavies in having a robust body with short limbs, large head and eyes, and short ears. Yes, lettuce is a safe vegetable for a guinea pig to eat. The research also says that, for unknown reason, bell pepper had an effect of lowering the case of urinary tract infection, which is common among adult guinea pigs. Tango lettuce – also called curly leaf lettuce – is a bit of an enigma. GuineaDad liners are not just there to act as a pee pad, it is there to keep your floors clean from all spillages so that you and your guinea pig can live a comfortable life together. This means it is relatively similar to red leaf lettuce, from a nutritional standpoint. Machine-Friendly. It’s green. However, guinea pigs love lettuce - here are some that you should be feeding to your pet. Happy veggie feeding! Humans and guinea pigs alike, animals need calcium to make up our bones. all, excluding ice berg. they also like dandelion leaves spinach and kale never give a guinea pig cabbage it is very bad for them and I hope that other person was kidding. I will talk about three metrics that we should look at: vitamin C, calcium to phosphorus ratio, and sugar. Accordingly, it’s probably best to avoid giving tango lettuce to your pet – at least until better information is available. Green leafy vegetables are actually considered more of a spare treat, but that is up to you as the owner and your guinea pig's diet and eating habits. Consequently, you’ll want to offer different lettuces on different schedules. 1 quarter of cucumber 1 outer leaf red lettuce (or more than 1 inner leaf to match the size) ¼ slice of red bell pepper, Veggie feeding sessions can always become a messy situation. In fact, these varieties are the most nutritional lettuces and contain 6 times more vitamin C than the Butterhead lettuces (Boston and Bibb). This post may contain affiliate links. Guinea pigs should have fruit only in small amounts due to its sugar content. This […] Green leaf lettuce is a relatively healthy type of lettuce to feed your guinea pig. Iceberg lettuce is very poor in nutritional value, while romaine is a great guinea pig food. However, Romaine lettuce can be eaten more frequently. Lv 7. Yes, guinea pigs can eat lettuce. In this article, we are more concerned with what the guinea pig eats as opposed to eating them! There is a high chance that guinea pigs will kick their poop into the water bowl, contaminating it. Green leaf lettuce is a relatively healthy type of lettuce to feed your guinea pig. Rainbow Mix: This is great all-rounder with colorful veggies guinea pigs can eat! Check out our GuineaDad Liners. Required fields are marked *. Cucumbers We recommend GuineaDad Nourish Series – Timothy Hay to those who want to provide the best food for their guinea pigs. There are two ways of providing water bowl or bottle, but I recommend bottle. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and other vital nutrients that make them an excellent choice for our guinea pig’s daily diet. Accordingly, to avoid causing your pet to suffer from bladder stones, you should probably only feed red leaf or butter lettuce 2 to 4 times per week. No commonly available lettuce is toxic to guinea pigs, but some may contribute to a Vitamin C deficiency, and others may trigger the formation of bladder stones. Use a Lettuce Lounger as … For example, Iceberg Lettuce has very little nutritional value as it only contains small amounts of Vitamin C. Iceberg lettuce is not toxic but can cause diarrhea and stomach problems. Luckily there is plenty of vitamin C in romaine lettu…


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