leo constellation myth
In the sky, the six bright stars that form the Sickle of Leo represent the lion’s head, and the brightest star in the constellation, Regulus (Alpha Leonis), marks the beast’s heart. Zeta Leonis is a giant star belonging to the spectral class F0 III. This lion was savage and fearless as he couldn't be harmed by weapons. The star’s traditional name, Zosma, comes from ancient Greek and means “the girdle.” Zosma is located on the lion’s hip. It is repeatedly mentioned in different versions of this story that either Zeus (Greek mythology) or Hera (Greek mythology) decide at this point to create the Leo constellation. Realizing that he must defeat the Lion with his bare hands, Hercules slipped into the Lion's cave and engaged it at close quarters. Its traditional name, Algieba or Al Gieba, comes from the Arabic Al-Jabhah, which means “the forehead.” The star is sometimes also known by its Latin name, Juba. Regulus B is a K2V star and the companion is believed to belong to the spectral class M4V. In addition to the main brightest stars, the Leo constellation also has many other stars that are not so bright (there are about 120 of them), most of them can be observed only with the help of a professional astronomical telescope. It has the stellar classification A2 V and a mass 2.5 times that of the Sun. The January Leonids are a minor shower that peaks between January 1 and 7. “Universe’s Largest Structure Discovered.” scinews.com. The lion lived in a cave in Nemea, a town located to the south-west of Corinth. In about 600 million years, it will become a red giant. Some say It lived in the hills of Nemea in Greece. Leo contains many bright galaxies; Messier 65, Messier 66, Messier 95, Messier 96, Messier 105, and NGC 3628 are the most famous, the first two being part of the Leo Triplet. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The brighter giant is 180 times more luminous than the Sun and has an apparent magnitude of 2.28. Leo, the Lion, is the fifth sign of the Zodiac and represents those born July 22 to August 22. Leo was one of the earliest recognized constellations, with archaeological evidence that the Mesopotamians had a similar constellation as early as 4000 BCE. hands. Delta Leonis is slightly larger and hotter than the Sun. Leo in Greek mythology, Leo represents a crouching Lion that was said to be killed by Hercules. 35 Leonis is located 325.9 arc seconds away from Adhafera and it is only a line-of-sight companion, as it is only 100 light years distant from Earth. Retrieved January 15, 2013. Theta Leonis is another white main sequence star. Along with Messier 65 and Messier 66, NGC 3628 forms the Leo Triplet galaxy group. In its core, NGC 2903 has many "hotspots", which have been found to be near regions of star formation. NGC 3628 hides its spiral structure because it is seen perfectly edge-on, exactly as we observe the Milky Way on a clear night. The normal peak rate is approximately 10 meteors per hour. The Gamma Leonis system has a combined apparent magnitude of 1.98 and is approximately 130 light years distant from the Sun. Despite its proximity to the Sun, Wolf 359 can only be seen through a large telescope. Both the constellation and its brightest star were well-known in most ancient cultures. Though they are visible as fuzzy objects in small telescopes, their structure is only visible in larger instruments. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. [5] Both M65 and M66 are visible in large binoculars or small telescopes, but their concentrated nuclei and elongation are only visible in large amateur instruments.


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