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…of any kind. …in the trash, and pick up after your dog or cat. Therefore, sea otters are crucial to maintaining kelp forest levels, which provide cover and food for many marine animals. Living along the California coast sparks our interest in the connection between land and sea. The unique opportunity to observe and learn directly from live animals increases public awareness and appreciation of wildlife. Human activities have the potential to increase disease transmission and the flow of pollutants into the marine environment, but with the otters’ help, we are building our understanding of nearshore ocean health. Conservation efforts include getting the right information out there about Otters and their needs. Finding groups online that you can join the efforts of is very simple. At night, sea otters may choose either … by Jonna K. Mazet | Mar 24, 2012 | sea otters. It’s unnecessary unless you live in Flint, it’s wasteful of oil, it adds plastics to the system, and it’s less regulated than you might think. Are their problems important warning signs for the health of that ecosystem and perhaps our own health? Southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) are some of our most charismatic marine neighbors. …and collecting rainwater in a cistern/rain barrel! Although the efforts to protect these animals continues to increase, there are many things you can do to help save the sea otters. SeaWorld parks rescue and rehabilitate orphaned, ill, and injured otters. Liz VanWormer also contributed to this piece. The water runs very slowly through a drip system into the ground, getting where it needs to be and not running off wastefully. What can they tell us about our shared environment? Have an area in the garage or shed to save them for proper disposal. As sea otters don’t eat any animals known to harbor Toxoplasma, scientists think run-off from land carries the oocyts into the ocean where otters can then become exposed. (Click on the tab “Sightings Map.”) The red crosses indicate otters hit by cars. Take them to a hazardous waste center. A sea otter pup’s fur traps so much air that they cannot dive underwater. Sea otters can also drink salt water and thus can remain at sea for several days at a time. They are also some of the most threatened. Use snap traps and/or exclusion instead. …and dispose of it properly. They have chemicals that can harm aquatic organisms. Raptors, pets and even children have been harmed or killed by secondary rodenticide poisoning. Detecting Toxoplasma in the sea otters has increased awareness of the potential for human exposure to this pathogen, which can have severe impacts on people whose immune systems aren’t functioning well in addition to the developing fetuses of infected pregnant women. Although once very broadly distributed along the Pacific coast from Japan and Russia to California, sea otters were hunted almost to the point of extinction for their luxurious fur coats in the 17-1800s. But if we could have a little bit of control and have a little bit of say in how we utilize and live with the sea otters in our backyard. A newborn pup needs constant attention and will stay with its mother for six months until it develops survival skills. We have to confess: we don’t know exactly how many sea otters are in that video! Here are some viewing tips to help you enjoy watching sea otters and other marine wildlife in a safe and responsible way. Another reason that sea otters are susceptible to oil spills is because they often travel in large same-sex rafts (Environment Canada, 2011).


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