phalanx ciws
var script = document.createElement("script"); Operational evaluation of Block 1B, conducted aboard USS Underwood (FFG-36) and the Self-Defense Test Ship, was completed in August 1999. Block 1 baseline 1 replaced the hydraulic gun drive with a pneumatic (air-driven) gun drive system that increased the rate of fire to 4,500 rounds per minute. Systém je také znám jako Centurion. The Block 1B version adds control stations that allow operators to visually track and identify targets before engagement. Pracuje zcela automaticky. Its current manufacturer is the Raytheon Company. Systém je instalován na každé válečné lodi US Navy, Pobřežní stráž Spojených států amerických ho používá u svých kutrů tříd Hamilton a Legend a má také zahraniční uživatele z dalších 22 zemí. Existuje také jeho pozemní verze Centurion a námořní verze SeaRAM kombinující naváděcí systém Phalanxu s blokem raket typu RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile. Block I improvements provide increased elevation coverage, larger magazine space for increased round capacity, a variable and higher gun fire rate, and improved radar and processing capabilities. Phalanx is the only deployed CIWS capable of autonomous search, detection, evaluation, tracking, engagement and kill-assessment functions. It was originally designed to defeat low altitude antiship cruise missiles (ASCMs). Block 1B Phalanx Surface Mode (PSUM) upgrade allows engagement of small, high-speed, 9X Block 1B USD13.66 juta setiap buah kepada SK This upgrade incorporates a thermal imager, an automatic acquisition video tracker, and a stabilization system for the imager, providing both day and night detection of threats. On land, the U.S. Army uses the weapon system to detect and counter rocket, artillery and mortar systems. History Základem systému je šestihlavňový rotační kanón M61A1 Vulcan, jehož palba je automaticky řízena radarem. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) sites, the United States Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy  does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Adorned with custom printed elements, the CIWS elevates and depresses and also includes a BrickArms® X-Long Ammo Chute. All rights reserved. var setNptTechAdblockerCookie = function(adblocker) { Additionally, the FLIR assists the radar in engaging some ASCM's bringing a greater chance of ship survivability. Fast-reaction, detect-through-engage, radar guided, 20-millimeter gun weapon system. [6] Během první ostré střelecké zkoušky v červenci 2016 americký torpédoborec USS Carney (DDG-64) sestřelil cvičný terč BQM-74E. The Phalanx weapon system is installed on all U.S. Navy surface combatant ship classes and on those of 24 allied nations. Block 1 baseline 0 upgrades included a larger magazine (1,500 rounds), a multiple pulse repetition frequency search radar, an expanded radar search envelope to counter diving targets as well as reliability and maintainability improvements. MK 15 Phalanx CIWS provides ships of the U.S. Navy with an inner layer point defense capability against anti-ship missiles (ASM), aircraft and littoral warfare threats that … maneuvering surface craft and low, slow-moving aircraft, and hovering helicopters. 07-07-2011 12:57:14 ZULU. 9. CIWS, without assistance from other shipboard systems, will automatically engage incoming anti-ship missiles and high-speed, low-level aircraft that have penetrated the ship primary defense envelope. At sea, navies use Phalanx to defeat anti-ship missiles and close-in threats that have pierced other lines of defense. The gatling gun fires a 20mm subcaliber sabot projectile using a heavy-metal (either tungsten or depleted uranium) 15mm penetrator surrounded by a plastic sabot and a light-weight metal pusher. var d = new Date(); MK 15 - PHALANX CLOSE-IN WEAPONS SYSTEM (CIWS). Block 0 incorporated on-mount search and track radars, the M61A1 gatling gun capable of firing at a rate of 3,000 rounds per minute, and a 980-round magazine.  Fast-reaction, detect-thrugh-engage, radar guided 20-millimeter gun weapon system. Here we look at the history, design and capabilities of this system. Stránka byla naposledy editována 13. Phalanx is a Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) designed as a last chance, point defense, automated gun system designed to destroy in-bound anti-ship cruise missiles. Copyright © 2020 Raytheon Company, a Raytheon Technologies company. V praxi je pak napojen na externí dělostřelecký radar, který sleduje cíle mimo dosah vlastního radaru systému. While most testing involves tracking and firing at a simulated target, the real excitement starts when the fire control teams can fire at a real target. Phalanx is a design from General Dynamics Corporation, Pomona Division. About the Phalanx™ Close in Weapon System (CIWS): Highly capable in search, detection, threat evaluation, tracking, engagement and kill assessment, the Phalanx™ Close in Weapon System or CIWS (pronounced sea-wiz) is used both at sea and on land. As a secondary measure, should it fail to hit the warhead, CIWS's rate of fire is intended to blow holes in the missile body, causing it to break up in air. Cookies help us to improve your website experience. The gatling gun fires 20mm ammunition at either 3,000 or 4,500 rounds-per-minute with a burst length of continuous, 60, or 100 rounds. Block 1 incorporated a new search antenna to detect high altitude missiles, improved search sensitivity, increased the ammunition available for firing by 50 percent, a pneumatic gun drive which increased the firing rate to 4500 rounds per minute, and started using tungsten ammunition in place of depleted uranium. The Phalanx CIWS developed by Raytheon is a rapid-fire, computer-controlled, radar-guided gun system designed to defeat anti-ship missiles and other close-in air and surface threats. Phalanx automatically detects, evaluates, tracks, engages, and performs kill assessment against ASM and high speed aircraft threats. [5], Následně byly komplety SeaRAM vybaveny čtyři torpédoborce třídy Arleigh Burke operující v rámci protiraketové obrany ze španělské základny Rota. During integrated operations, the command system controls CIWS sensors, target reports, mode employment, and doctrine. A January 1992 Chief of Naval Operations decision requires replacement of Phalanx with the new ESSM system in new construction DDG ships. Systém byl vyvinut firmou General Dynamics, ovšem dnes ho vyrábí koncern Raytheon. The sensors are utilized to provide 360 degree search and track coverage, while providing track data to, and receiving designations from, the Command system. Page last modified: Upgraded over time, it has been in service for 38 years with the Royal Navy. [3], Tento vyvíjený autonomní obranný systém je kombinací radaru a senzorové techniky Phalanxu Block 1B s 11násobným vypouštěcím kontejnerem řízených střel RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile. 13 sets MK15 Phalanx Block 1B Baseline 2 for TW, 8 set is for upgrading the current Block 0 to MK15 Phalanx Block 1B Baseline 2, total cost: 0.416B with 260K MK 244 MOD 0 armor piercing bullet, Baseline2 is the newest model in Block 1B on 11/2016[Penjelasan diperlukan].


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