western massasauga
Washburne, Jeremy. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 61pp. Thunder snakes, blow vipers, and others. Curl, Richard L. Final Environmental Statement: Milford Lake Kansas operation and maintenance. Unlike its eastern relative, the western massasauga is lightly colored with dark brown blotches along its back or dorsal side that strongly contrast with the lightly colored soil and plants of the prairie. The standard length for 43 male and 63 female adult specimens was 68 cm (27 in). University of Kansas Science Bulletin 2(13):353-430. 6th Edition. The head has a dark broad stripe along each side. Kansas Herpetological Society Newsletter (26):9-12. Herpetology of Missouri. Kansas Herpetological Society Newsletter (101):11-17, Collins, Joseph T. New records of amphibians and reptiles in Kansas for 1995. Despite its smaller size and less severe bite, envenomation can still be fatal if untreated, and treatment should be sought immediately for any venomous snake bite. The young are equipped with fangs and are venomous as soon as they are born. Some reallocations of type localities of reptiles and amphibians described from the Major Stephen H. Long Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, with comments on some of the statements made in the account written by Edwin James. This pit is larger and positioned lower on the face than the nostril. Kansas Herpetological Society Newsletter (97):5-14, Rundquist, Eric M. Results of the seventh annual KHS herp counts held 1 April-31 May 1995. The underside is light with some dark markings. The blotches are sometimes outlined in black and often form into crossbands near the tail. One subspecies, the prairie massasauga, Sistrurus tergeminus tergeminus, is found in Iowa. It is reported that they emerge with the spring flooding and basically follow the water line during this time. The antivenin CroFab, while not type-specific, can be used to treat severe envenomations from massasaugas. Clarke, Robert F. Herptiles and fishes of the western Arkansas River in Kansas. The pupils are vertically elliptical and there is a heat sensitive pit located between the eye and nostril. Journal of Kansas Herpetology (6):13-20, Suleiman, G. Fort Riley herpetofaunal count. Stejneger, Leonhard and Thomas Barbour. Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas. Western massasaugas will rattle with their tails off the ground (though not as high as other rattlesnake species). Monitoring and Habitat Management for Species of Greatest Conservation Need: Anderson County Prairie Preserve. Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles of the Midwest. Bulletin of the Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History 1(3):100-103, Cragin, Francis W. Second contribution to the herpetology of Kansas, with observations on the Kansas fauna. Revisiting Kansas Herpetological Society field trip and Herp Count data: Four county collecting raid: A south central Kansas herping saga. 55pp. Primarily found in grassland areas, on the edge of open woodland, or on rocky hillsides, and often makes use of the burrows of other animals for shelter. Also, do not attempt to catch or move it. Kansas Herpetological Society Newsletter (64):4-5, Simmons, John E. September 1987 field trip report. Collinsorum 9(1):7-16. 3rd ed. Amphibians, Reptiles, and Turtles of Kansas Eagle Mountain Publishing., Provo, Utah. The records for the western massasauga are found in extreme southwestern Iowa and records for the eastern massasauga are in the eastern half of the state. 3rd ed, expanded. 151pp. White dates indicate there is at least a single recorded occurrence on that date. They rely on their coloration for camouflage to avoid detection. A review of the genera and species of American snakes, north of Mexico. They may only breed every other year or less and are sexually mature at the age of three or four. 164. They give birth to living young (ovoviviparous). The Southwestern Naturalist 1(1):27-29, Loomis, Richard B. Western massasaugas are stout bodied snakes with a triangular shaped head. It is illegal to kill or collect this species by law in Iowa. Journal of Kansas Herpetology (18):8-9. 3rd Edition. Woodburne (1956) first commented on the isolated population in Meade County and adjacent Oklahoma. Collinsorum 2(3/4):5, Taggart, Travis W. Recent scientific and standard English name changes effecting the Kansas herpetofauna. It is reported that they emerge with the spring flooding and basically follow the water line during this time. Murrow, Daniel G. KHS 2009 spring field trip. Collinsorum 6(2-3):6-8, Mead, Joshua Spatial Ecology of the Western Massasauga They are primarily nocturnal, especially during the summer months when it is too hot for them to be active, but they will sometimes be found out sunning themselves.


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