whizbuzz books reviews
Organic search traffic to the site is still growing by the day. Please select your preference. Just as a footnote, I promote my own books only on Whizbuzz, and I’m selling books (almost) every day. Yes, Kirsten, promotion can help sales of a book. Book discovery is vital for all authors, from book launch through to promoting backlist book titles. The intention is all about exposure over time, discovery, choice, and without a ‘. Just Publishing Advice For Writers and Authors, Blog Comments Can Really Help You Get More Traffic. And I believe it works. Two thousand five hundred books later, it must be doing something right. It is now promoting books on fourteen different social media accounts. Of course, if I had only listed my books, it would have been a total failure. To prevent spam, all comments are moderated and will be published upon approval. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience when you visit our website. However, when they are given the choice to be informed about a new book, have the option to receive new book updates and can choose from a range of books that may interest them, they are far more receptive. After years of hard work, I think it is reasonable to say that Whizbuzz Books is now an established site for economical long-term book promotion for independent authors. A little history. What Is A Book Sales Funnel And Do You Need One? I am thinking of trying out Wizzbuzz but would love to hear if it actually worked for sales. However, organic search and search engine discovery are becoming essential tools now in book marketing. Your email address will not be published. Welcome to Whizbuzz Books. Call it recycling. It seems so long ago now the Whizbuzz began with an unknown Blogger website that posted occasional posts to Twitter. Whizbuzz features books for potential readers to find and evaluate, either via the Whizbuzz feed on Twitter, its Facebook Page, on Stumbleupon, or on the site itself. Within a year, the site had to be moved from the free Google Blogger platform to a self-hosted WordPress site to be able to gain more organic traffic – or, more precisely, more potential readers. In total, Whizbuzz Books promotes books to over 600,000 followers on Twitter, Facebook, Flipboard, LinkedIn, Goodreads, Tumblr, WordPress, and Pinterest. So, is this a round-a-bout ‘plug‘ for Whizbuzz Books? Each and every reader has favourite genres and reading tastes, so they need a range of choices to perhaps find what they are looking for, or what may interest them. For readers, our extensive catalogue of books is diverse and easily accessible. Over 160,000 people are following Whizbuzz Books on Twitter alone. Update: Whizbuzz Books passed 2,500 book promotions recently. Disclaimer: This site generates income via advertising, paid links, affiliate links, sponsored articles and book promotion. On our Whizbuzz site, we know people buy books from there because we can track sales through Amazon Associates. Then shocked when three more arrived a day or two later. It is now promoting books on fourteen different social media accounts. Readers find new books by a variety of online means today. Whizbuzz features books for potential readers to find and evaluate, either via the Whizbuzz feed on Twitter, its Facebook Page, on Stumbleupon, or on the site itself. Authors need readers to develop a fan base, and our aim has always been to assist in bringing the two together. Sounds like everyday fiction to me. Well, 2 hours hard work each and every day, as well as the years it has taken to build my social media presence, I think it is worth being compensated for good old-fashioned hard work. We have developed many avenues for readers to discover new books and are always working hard to find new and more innovative ways to increase online exposure for our authors to spread the word about their books, their author website or Facebook Page. I clearly recall how surprised I was when I received my first ‘paid post’ the following day. Whizbuzz Books is always open, and open to all readers and authors. 〉Similes And Metaphors And The Difference, 〉How To Find KDP Keywords For Kindle Books. I question the value of my investment and I’m not going to renew. Of course, it is, so if you are a reader or an author, why not take a look? As for charging fellow authors to post on Whizbuzz? No guilty conscience, just busy, and practising what I preach. However, sales are definitely much stronger for the most popular titles, which is perfectly normal. These principles are based on ‘discovery‘ and not on ramming a book down readers’ throats with incessant ‘buy my book‘ messages. When Whizbuzz Books … Please select your preference. While there are some instant success stories, such as one author recently who told me he sold more books in the first few hours after his book went ‘live‘ on Whizbuzz than in the previous few months, this is not the aim or the norm. Whizbuzz has established itself with both readers and writers alike. Authors need readers to develop a fan base, and our aim has always been to assist in bringing the two together. Your email address will not be published. October 4, … So small, in fact, that it was only ever envisaged to be a little site for a few of my fellow author friends. It wasn’t like appearing on Oprah! The Difference Between A Hedgehog And Porcupine? No pressure, just information and lots of choices. Since 2010, Whizbuzz Books has been providing economical book promotion for new authors. I can’t even tell if any sales come from them, if at all. And even then, appearing on television hasn’t worked wonders for many authors. Of course, this didn’t happen. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Fast forward to today, and all I can say is that Whizbuzz is in danger of being a victim of its own success. It was slow going at first, as at that time self-publishing was still quite new, and in all honesty, some wanted to see instant sales success. Two thousand five hundred books later, it must be doing something right. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience when you visit our website. Free self-publishing advice, how to guides and tips. Whizbuzz Books Tops Over 2,500 Book Promotions For Authors. I’m certainly not a millionaire author, but I’m happy. View more on Derek Haines's website » Like • 0 comments • flag. Published on October 05, 2020 06:00. Book discovery is vital for all authors, from book launch through to promoting backlist book titles. The Codes of the Exiled Rogue by Sandeep Adnani is also on Whizbuzz Books. So, the answer must be yes. While the site lost money for the first two years, it finally managed to break even in its third year and has kept its head above water ever since. Don’t tell readers to buy books. But slowly, a steady stream of authors started using Whizbuzz as part of their book marketing, realizing the benefit of paying a little for long-term book promotion. 〉How Much Does It Cost To Publish A Book? Copyright © 2020 Just Publishing Advice - All Rights Reserved. Book Links Website Blog Facebook Twitter Instagram Amazon Author Page On Amazon. As that move required spending money on-site development and hosting, the need to charge for book promotion became necessary. Should I Publish Exclusively With Amazon? It also offers ‘random discovery’ by offering ‘ more great reads ‘, a random 100 book selection and by randomly listing authors and their blogs on every page of the site to expose all listed authors and their books. It also offers ‘random discovery’ by offering ‘more great reads‘, a random 100 book selection and by randomly listing authors and their blogs on every page of the site to expose all listed authors and their books. Hello do you promote books that speak of sex money and murder, it’s a fiction story? It all depends on the quality and appeal of a book. Whizbuzz Books is an approved partner member and vetted service provider of the Alliance of Independent Authors. Like a lot of ideas, Whizbuzz Books started from very small beginnings. My days are spent teaching English and writing, as well as testing and taming new technology. It now has over 145,000 followers on Twitter, over 2,000 Likes on Facebook, attracts more than 40,000 page views per month, a very high Alexa ranking and from time to time, has an embarrassingly long queue of books waiting in line to appear on the site.


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