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Low water temperatures (< 25°C) are ideal breeding grounds for ICH. Also the fish isn’t demanding as for feeding – it eats any protein containing feed: both artificial and live one. The cause of this condition is Hexamita Protozoa , parasitic organisms that are highly contagious. The fish eagerly eats special dry feed for flowerhorns and common frozen prawns or mussels. Hi, I purchased a flowerhorn from a local Pet Land. Sudden changes in the water condition can also cause this condition in your fish. Semi water Kok Flowerhorn are the combination of hard and water Kok. Bad water quality can increase the likelihood that your fish will be victim to this parasite. Usually, the fish breeds in the same tank where it lives and the biggest problem is to save the female from the male attacks. Poor water quality causes this fungus to thrive in your tank. Administer half of this on days three, five and seven. Very seldom one can see two identical species of fish. Add Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Aquarium Salt to your tank. In this case it’s better to remove the female from the tank or to put it back behind the net. Oscar fish: how to keep and breed this aggressive fish, Flowerhorn, flower horn, flowerhorn cichlid, flower fish, flowerhead fish, horn fish. Because of that and due to the size it’s recommended to put rocks, snags and other tank decorations directly on a tank bottom, not on a substrate. To get the juveniles of the same color as their parents one has to know well how pure is their breeding line, otherwise the juveniles will differ greatly from their parents. Flowerhorn cichlids are ornamental aquarium fish noted for their vivid colors and the distinctively shaped heads for which they are named. Juveniles can be fed with brine shrimp eggs, milled feeds for large cichlids. The cause of this condition is Ichthyophithirius multifilis (ICH ) , a ciliated protozoan . It will gladly feed on blood worm or fresh sprats (or other small fish), pieces of calamary or low fat fish (like goldfish). No hump growing for my flowerhorn!!? The most prominent symptom of this condition are the pure white spots that will appear all over your fish. — black spots: it’s important for them to be thick and easily visualized since this is the main feature. You may even notice the fin or tail beginning to literally dissolve. — occipital hump: it should be big and symmetrical to the body proportions. Flower horn Fishes are man-made hybrid fishes, which have close relatedness to the hybrid red parrotfish and few other cichlids. Cichlids as a rule aren’t very critical when choosing their couple match, therefore they can make couples not only with their kind, but also with completely different cichlid types. If your fish has this condition, you will notice cotton like tufts at the mouth, body, fin and tail. Just like all other large cichlids from South America, tank should be very spacious. Aquarists agree that the fish comes from breeding of Cichlasoma trimaculatum and red terror, Cichlasoma citrinellum, Cichlasoma labiatum, Vieja synspila. Because it can be hard to determine the cause of this problem, it can also be difficult to treat it, but in general, an antibiotic agent should take care of the problem. Semi water Kok or soft Kok. This condition is caused by a number of things, but the most likely problems are a virus or a bacterial infection. Otherwise, fishes will move the decorations around the tank as they wish. Flowerhorn Diseases And How To Cure Them . Mainly all species even relatives from one breed vary greatly in coloring and body shape. — the body: has to be oval shaped, big and bulky with rounded abdomen. The fish isn’t a good tank mate for any other fish, since it’s very large, aggressive and territory-dependent. The parents will guard their eggs eagerly. So, if you are interested in buying a bright colored fish of certain color, you have to choose from mature fishes. Some of them are with huge forehead humps or with shortened or curved body and etc. In ant case – any color should be bright and well defined. As for the tank decorations, it’s difficult to create them – the fish likes digging and doesn’t like plants. Moreover, it’s common for them to lose interest in food when ICH infects. Of course, using those containing higher protein content would normally enhance flowerhorn growth.You also don’t need to use those containing color enhancers. When feeding these fishes in a community tank you’ll be surprised how fast they swim to the feeding hand. 8 years ago. These pits will simply grow and form bigger pits. Flowerhorn is a hybrid artificially bred and it means that it can never be seen in the wild. The fishes should be fed a lot with qualitative feed, also the major part of the tank water can be renewed with fresh one.


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